Friday, November 14, 2008

the world day of diabetes

salam every one ...sorry for not posting allthat time but ...i'm posting 2day cuz of an important world day

can you belive that 180 million ppl r suffering of this disaes all over the shouldn't be aware of our diet as simple as that so we can save our health


ASMA said...

hi weda long time since ur last post ....
ya dm is the most danger bad diseace that end by all the complication he want to make even when hes control ..i hope next year we r celebrating with new curable ttt ... or even good screaning ttt in our libyan hospitals ..

حنان شلبي said...

اهلا يا بنت وين عنك من زمان ؟؟
بس صدقيني الكلام سهل والقاية صعبة كتييير بس فعلا هية الحل الي لازم كلنا نلجأ لإلو قبل فوات الاوان
تحياتي الك

ho said...

Nowadays I don't think you can name one Libyan family without someone Diabetic in it, god be with us all inshallah cos Diabetes kills people step by step part by part slow and silent.

Nasimlibya `√ said...

اهلين ويدا اخيرا بوست جديد وكالعادة مميز
كلامك صح ربي يحفظنا والوقاية افضل حل

nirvana said...

dr weda ...................................thats right dm z dangerous disease i know that cuz i have a friend suffring of z 3rd year with u ?/?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>u r more than nice

Libyeah! said...

i think libyano got it absolutely right, you cant name one family without at least one diabetic in it.
to prevent this we need to raise awareness, and that means teaching them from a young age about how it is caused and the dietary choices they have to make. you often hear about people who have diabetes cutting down on sweets and stuff, but once youve got it, it wont go.

Adriana said...

Brazil 5 million people are diabetic, was my master's thesis in this area

Anglo-Libyan said...

salam Weda
good to see you back :O)

Loza said...

hello Weda

Nice post and very important subject ..

Really god help anyone suffer diabetes .. Especially the kids .. :(

Best Regard


مهرة سالم said...

كل عام وأنتي بخير بمناسبة عيد الأضحى المبارك..
عيد سعيد..

a_akak said...

كل عام و أنت بخير

فى أمان الله

Omar Gheriani said...

عيد سعيد لك و للعائلة الكريمة

dusk till dawn said...

Eid mubarrak to u and all ur family

Unknown said...

Eid Mubark
may the guidence and blessings of Allah always be with you and your family...

Benghazi Citizen said...

Eid mobarak dear friend
how are u doing??
long time no see
best regards

Maya M said...

I wish to add, however, that the worst type of diabetes - juvenile diabetes, will not be prevented by diet, neither by any other factor known to us so far.