Saturday, December 26, 2009
How Can I (WEDA) Change.............???!! is that possible.........!
every one has own points of weakness, in which he tries to hide ,& others who who him self doesn't know them yet ................but how can i beat them........since this new year i tried my best not to show of my weakness side ,& even to appear stronger but i found my self in another new problem which i didn't know before whom i can share all that stress with & part of that stress can't be shared too........i found us(me&my best friends) sometimes chatting just about what happened to us in spite that we all attended the same stress but even though every one has her own point of view ..........but even that i was my exams are coming sooon i wish i can do well ...............I'll try not to cry ,,,,,I'll face the situation this time i think this is my weakness point which i'm really trying ti hide but i always fail to do .............may be this time i'll be more grown up i'll try to tolerate even if i can't but this is my new life which i must live .....I've to face even bad occasions with steady * no more tears at least this time.................
Friday, December 18, 2009
ENJOYING MEDICINE...............
SALAM EVERY ONE IT'S along time since i blogged fore the last time .......but here i'm i got a completely different adventures after 3 months of studying medicine..........staying at hospital , dealibg with different people , nice situations & of course very sad ones ................but all that really changed alot in our personalities specially our new groub with my best friends ................
we visited different hospitals , dealt with different situations that made us think & see people who never met before in the positive & negative sides , knew diseases that i read about before but thought that was just exaggeration but sadly seen them live .........knew how can a SMALL NICE WORD change a life & help alot , ....................but on the other side i'll be examined soon & that's what i don't like ..........but any way ......i got a point ......................i get elder & my brain got more mature & knew that i've to be more responsile
in many days i felt like a broken & can't complete & see ppl suffering but it's life , i can change i can study well & stop more coming suffering ..............even those diseases whome i hate alot those days i'll change my mind i like them just to overcome them & decrease their incidence ....................
that was just a thought from a full brain , who can't talk
we visited different hospitals , dealt with different situations that made us think & see people who never met before in the positive & negative sides , knew diseases that i read about before but thought that was just exaggeration but sadly seen them live .........knew how can a SMALL NICE WORD change a life & help alot , ....................but on the other side i'll be examined soon & that's what i don't like ..........but any way ......i got a point ......................i get elder & my brain got more mature & knew that i've to be more responsile
in many days i felt like a broken & can't complete & see ppl suffering but it's life , i can change i can study well & stop more coming suffering ..............even those diseases whome i hate alot those days i'll change my mind i like them just to overcome them & decrease their incidence ....................
that was just a thought from a full brain , who can't talk
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My first step forward..............................
as you whole know i'm a medical student , but let me say that i just felt that in the last weeks as i started my 4th year , in libya my home medical students try their first step as a dr in that year .............& that was really worthy.........i noticed the difference in my life in my behaviour , i noticed new things in me & i'm trying to be stronger too , & that's my ral prplm .............MY EMOTIONS .............from the first day we got a great shock , our nice pt who had never suffered b4 , & now he's onlying coughing & thinks it's somthing easy........diagnosed as brocogenic carcinoma.......................i wont lie i did't cry yet.& that's a great thing i did now , you know it's diffcult to feel like a dr you 've to concern about every detail in this person's life & help him to be better may read those notes & feel them non worthy but for me they mean alot ,,,,,,,,,,pts are grea too they are helping us alot even beside their great suffer, somtimes we feel them suffering & they don't talk just giving us a chance to learn.....................................
Nothing like a Doctor........
as you whole know i'm a medical student , but let me say that i just felt that in the last weeks as i started my 4th year , in libya my home medical students try their first step as a dr in that year .............& that was really worthy.........i noticed the difference in my life in my behaviour , i noticed new things in me & i'm trying to be stronger too , & that's my ral prplm .............MY EMOTIONS .............from the first day we got a great shock , our nice pt who had never suffered b4 , & now he's onlying coughing & thinks it's somthing easy........diagnosed as brocogenic carcinoma.......................i wont lie i did't cry yet.& that's a great thing i did now , you know it's diffcult to feel like a dr you 've to concern about every detail in this person's life & help him to be better may read those notes & feel them non worthy but for me they mean alot ,,,,,,,,,,pts are grea too they are helping us alot even beside their great suffer, somtimes we feel them suffering & they don't talk just giving us a chance to learn.....................................
Nothing like a Doctor........
Thursday, October 01, 2009
old people ..........whrer are they now???????????
every year the whole world celebrate the old people's day 1/OCTOBER , & celebrate what hey present for them from health care to mental & financial care , for me & as a Libyan i've never knew about it here before as i've never heared about any development fpr our routes yeah, who are those old ppl they are me & u but not now after a few years , i know how much youth are still suffering , but youth can do it & can bring back thier rights but what about old ppl , who 's talking about them ????
AS a Libyan i lived such an experience with my grands may Allah bless them & all muslims , they needed a special care that can't be done with ordinary ppl ,but i couldn't find any , is there any health centers for them??? we 've thousands for children but in fact we forgot about our fathers & mothers n't it ??
I wont count but Alzheimer's disease is invading our community from every where without any difference yeah even it it can be prevented by supporting special drugs for those ppl
Not even ealth in libya ppl retire since they are in the early 60s , & can't find any place to go to no clubs or even open areas just for them where they can meet & comuincate ..........even jobs in the whole world they can work reaching 60 doesn't mean death ! Omara almokhtar had fighted against italians as he were even libyans can do can't belive how diificult to ba at home & not work or do any thing !!!!
, it time to take care of us in future or still.......if not the train is running & is bringing you closer to them so save millions just before you be one of them
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A few days ago i got an invitation for our third school reunion, i liked the idea so much as it was at the same days we're celebrating EID........
In fact i went there even if lots of best friends didn't do, but alot of wonderful ppl were there, some whome i know as we joined the school together & lots i don't, but we got a nice time together, as we shared ideas to start working as a team of talented LIBYANS,as we all joined ALFATAH CENTER FOR GIFTED STUDENS in Benghazi together this place who gave us a great push to go on & succeed, It seems that i'm nothing beside those who finshed their masters & others who worked at great companies , doctors & more & more of successful very young ppl whome you feel proud of .........
Every one tried to give his idea about the coming reunion & i did too, we'll start working in different groubs according to our fields to make OUR LIBYA , the best's our home & it deserves more , & every little change will make a great difference...........
Saturday, September 19, 2009
nothing like aseeda can make Eid's special flavor.....of course before relatives & visitors of Eid made the best flavor.....................enshallah EID MUBARAK TO ALL MUSLIMS
Friday, August 28, 2009
libya is green .....libya to be clean2010
libya is agreat country at least for me specially , nearly 200 km o f wonderful beach a graet SAHARA & incredible greenaria , this difference in nature gives libya the speciality, but wherer ever u go & find those wonderful pics above u , just look btween your feet u can find it ....... yeah at leas a plastic bag , bottles of water ,drinks tanks & this stuff that we all know .....but when it's up
..............after milion of years , i knew that it takes decades before plastc dissolves in soil, so what's the solution.......we wontplant any more trees or plants our s are enogh for noe at least , but ours still need some care to be CLEAN .... GREEN......,.........CAN WE SPREAD THE IDEA ,
Doesn't our LIBYA need more care of us at least this year 2010......
as simple as that every one can do it ..... yeah YOU can make change ........every thime you go na apicnic for free9 no one pays in libya for picnincs), you'll simply pay this year , not areal payment but just bring back what you brought with you the previous years , nothing of this rubish came alone it came with you , your family & your friends ....lets' start our action for LIBYA green & clean...... we still have time ..... tell me your opnions & we'll strt soon ........
libya is your home no one will chnage it exept's your turn now...
..............after milion of years , i knew that it takes decades before plastc dissolves in soil, so what's the solution.......we wontplant any more trees or plants our s are enogh for noe at least , but ours still need some care to be CLEAN .... GREEN......,.........CAN WE SPREAD THE IDEA ,
Doesn't our LIBYA need more care of us at least this year 2010......
as simple as that every one can do it ..... yeah YOU can make change ........every thime you go na apicnic for free9 no one pays in libya for picnincs), you'll simply pay this year , not areal payment but just bring back what you brought with you the previous years , nothing of this rubish came alone it came with you , your family & your friends ....lets' start our action for LIBYA green & clean...... we still have time ..... tell me your opnions & we'll strt soon ........
libya is your home no one will chnage it exept's your turn now...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
ramdan kareem
ramadan kareem to every one i was watching tv those days i watched KHWATER TV PROGRAM , in fact it's about JAPAN, i just watched it today i liked it sooooooooooo much it was about SALAAM , mr Ahmed had nothing new to tell us but his pictures were more than his talk , the way ppl there greeting each other was something unbelievable , they greet each other even the shop keeper when he opens his shop he stands 5 minutes in front of just to greet ppl , & alot & alot
what i liked the most his talk about greeting while leaving which i liked the most , my grands used to stand in front of their home greeting ppl until they leave , i used to do this when i was young but i didn't know that it means that much ,,,,,,,,
it's a simple program i watch on MBC at 15:20 pm GMT, TRY to see it & tell me .....
what i liked the most his talk about greeting while leaving which i liked the most , my grands used to stand in front of their home greeting ppl until they leave , i used to do this when i was young but i didn't know that it means that much ,,,,,,,,
it's a simple program i watch on MBC at 15:20 pm GMT, TRY to see it & tell me .....
Saturday, August 22, 2009
t his is a great proplem i'm facing in my are yeah addicts are spreading their magic in our streets , as i'm an old neighbour i don't face any proplems but i can see what i don't like that's what's making me afraid , in fact let me say that i really hate (ADEL ) who's a great seller in SOUGH ALHASHISH in fact people used t o call it like that because it was an area of seeling grass which old libyans used to call HASHISH, but now it's really a HASHISH zone ......thanx allah our children are knowing what's happening around so they are careful but what made me mad is giving those druugs to mentally retaired guys ....... any way i'm ready for help but until when ...............please if you know what i cna do tell me ????
i see in TV how the authorities are trying to stop those but we're n help just take our hands to stand at once & say
Friday, August 21, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
libyan woman.....where's she ....???
omish brothers- writer


This question i asked my self hundered of times after getting involved in a group in facebook called ليبيون متميزون حول العالم
in fact i could find more than i can belive of successful libyans around the world even some libyan ladies things which made me very proud but in another point , if i ask any one n linbya they maynot know any thing about them not only the ladies but even the gentle men , where's the libyan propaganda isn't time to know more about those who may take a hand of hundreds of libyans who need just a small push to find their way n success , for me i know little abut those ladies the two i know died years ago but my family still talk about them as the libyan women leaders like HAMIDA ALONAYZY ,KHADIJA ALJAHMI & FATHIA ASHOUR ....but two years ago i meat hundreds of libyan doctors in a confernce i really get shocked of the numbers , i found libyan drs all around the world in UK , USA, ALL ARABIAN WORLD, SOUTH AFRICA, FINLAND, GERMANY , CHINA, BRAZIL .....& MORE & MORE.............all of them where heroes not just normal ppl they ...
what may made me more shocked what i 've read in the ARABIAN BUISSNES MAGAZINE REPORT OF 2009,about the most effective ARABIAN LADIES ,really what a shame the first one was FOUZIA the one trying to act like OPRAH WINFERY, but in an odd way, & alot of actors & presidential ladies ....i didn't find any one who really desrves that please just chick the libyans who are in this group & tell me your opinion that will make difference really
YEAH I 'M 21 now i got elder & every thing is changing & growing beside me , thanx to my dear friends & family who supporetd me to be WEDA, their support meant alot 4 me & i'll be in the fourth year next year which means more opened world at least for me .........
Thursday, August 06, 2009
LAST week i knew another member of a family we really know well is suffering from cancer, she's now the third member in this family finds her self....a patient of gastric carcinoma... but the problem is still this sad lady still has more healthy sisters (up to know)...........
i think time is out , i told my mum as she visitef this lady today to ask her to let her sisters to have a check on their health, as even their aunt died years ago because of carcinoma too....i think it's time for you DRS to start your job ,investagatopns on family history ......yeah why don't we start our pre cancer programms , as most tumour complications can be resolved early as i knew in pathology.............
AS i'm every day Libyan life , allot of ppl think just like that ......on fact thanks to those who invented chemotherapy , it's one the best ways to control tumor growth & metastasis but because of it's side effects alot of ppl think so,,,,,,,, every patient of cancer should know that chemotherapy is the first step of control, but not the step to death
Saturday, July 25, 2009
WE SHOULD CARE OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
IN FACT, i heard last year in ALLIBYA TV, the responsible for ppl with disabilities from that time i could understand how much they suffer, not only these but also on radio station of BENGHAZI, & BENGHAZI NEWSPAPER, ...................
AS i walk every day in Libyan streets nearly never seen any marks n streets for them I've just seen it at one place &the place i'm 100% sure that no one can pass it if he's any disability., NOT ONLY MARKS BUT EVEN THERE'SNOT ANY PATHS OR ANY THING THAT CAN HELP THEM........!!
......any way
..............we've to take care of them let me say that nearly half of theM were just like us & never cared or suffered but after a bad accident or any disease ....,,, they couldn't find the right possibilities to be back to the streets just to have a ride on a wheel chair in Benghazi streets or even a walk with a white stick without falling .........does it mean that thier life is ended.......... ???????? , where's their right to use the streets & other places which none of them is done to help those people ,,,,,,,,,,,,does it mean if i'm became disabled he must die ,,,,,,,,,,,,or are we still thinking of disabled ppl as something we should hide............
we've to take care today Around 10 per cent of the world's population, or 650 million people, live with a disability. They are the world's largest minority........
The solution is between our hands we've to support them to get their rights back ..........they must be back
what to do?????????
SHALL WE SPEAK???????????~~~~
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
LIBYAN citizen journalist
hi every one..........
i'm a citizen journalist that's what happened finally
....................about three weeks ago a talked with my friend in INDIA which works as an editor n INSTABLOGS website, & she gave me an idea of being a journalist in fact in that day i joined my friends to study to the last final exam & they loved the idea & my family too, so i started recording some voices about Libya& i sent them first& she liked them & i send this recording about ACACUS , WHICH YOU ALL KNOW THAT I'M SUPPORTING SINCE LAST YEAR TO BE ONE OF THE WORLD SEVEN WONDERS , any way Acacus became a nominee& alot of people around voted for it & alot of international magazines talked about it which gave a huge support & brought lights to the place ............
any way today my voice recording became available on instablogs account on you tube website, in fact i loved that allot& my family too & i'll continue doing that by a recording every week to be published about LIBYA , so if you have any ideas about such subjects in LIBYA & you wanna to spread it around the world , you are welcome
I'm so happy because finally i found a place to volunteer in ....yeah i did.......i'll join RABETAT ALMO3AGEEN ( for some help , which i'll visit for the first time tomorrow
last year this pi was published in swar magazine in Lebanon by me ... have a look,by the way the pic was taken in Ramadan Friday gmo3aa time so no one is there e in streets except those two men who where in there way to mosque
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
my life

hi all dear bloggers it's along time sunce i last posted................i wish u are all reading my post while you are well & wealthy
finally i finshed the 3rd year medical.........& 2 non stoped months of exams & great stress........i can't belive that it's finally up any way
...................& the results are between today & tomorrow
i got elder
in fact that's what i got at the end of this year i felt as if i jumped many years together ,,,,i know alt of drugs now & i can read a prescription well too(i can't write ones yet),i know almost all parasites & microbes , i understand what's swine flu & why it happened& how happened too...? ......& BUT i know lot about tumors too & how they are malignant .....i know & i knew alot this year that's why i feel elder..............
Beside my study i used to listen to the national Benghazi radio station in which i knew that i don't know every thing happening around me ,& that gave me a push to study more just to find a clue for those who are struggling behind & i didn't know them before
today & the day before were very special 2 of my best friends got graduated & finally they are engineers now.......................i wish them all the best luck & to see them always in success
Sunday, May 03, 2009
i missu all bloggers
it's along time since i wrote last time but u know i'm falling n studying.........i'll b back so soon by july so try 2 visit my blog 4m time 2 time ..........
AS u all know i was doing some activities with LMSA(WWW.LMSA4LIBYA.BLOGSPOT.COM) .....BUT IT'S CLOSED NOW......I WISH TO SEE OUR ASSOCIATION back specially as it baecame a part of the international federation of medical the way i miss my jam3ya friends 2.....
Beside all those stress i went 2 zarda.......i enjoyed my time but not that much ,,,,u know i'm 3rd year medical's my life.....
.................... WEDA
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Maybe BECAUSE I'M A CHILD OF A SCHOOL HEADMASTER DAD & A PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER MUM ,TEACHERS are very special to me ........i love most of them""not all i wont lie"" but even those who i used to dislike when i was young i can understand them well now .....i can't forget one of my primary school teachers which was very stricted"i still feel afraid of her until now when i see her",I was in 4th primary year & it was history clas....i was so happy that i know the answer which most of the class students couldn't answer it ....& finallly she told me to answer ....i said the answer perfctly 100% but .....she asked me again to say the question she told me that i should repeat the question ......i felt afraid & i forgot the answer ......& she....... with other students.........
any way i love school days ver very ver very much & i wish all the best to all who learned me ................
Sunday, March 08, 2009
SALAM EVERY ONE REALLY AS Libyan i don't know alot about Rugpy but in fact since weeks ago i recived a gmail from MR THAIR ALHERI ,who's the manger for this team in benghazi ....can u belive it yeah there are alot of libyan guys are attending clubs for playing rugby i knew that there was a tournament called ALKHALEG have been finshed for rugpy in benghazi with four clubs ALMELAHA, ALKHALEG & ALTERSANA ......GOOD LUCK FOR LIBYAN GUYS & WE HOPE TO SEE MORE COMPETIOTIONS IN LIBYA SOON ....FOR THIS English game

Woman rights day 8/MARCH is a very special day for every women & especially in libya in fact i can see that women in our country are very supported & you can see them in every job you can belive from workers ,doctors,teachers to plane drivers & lawyers ....really i feel proud of evey libyan woman who's a mom & working lady & perfect house wife really they are struggling & doing fine......but..but but but i can't forget those who are still on the borderlines & i wish to see libyan organiztions who can support those women that have alot of proplems from marrige & husbands to any right in which they need.......
Monday, February 16, 2009
Really you can't belive how our neighbours were shocked two weeks ago when a seven membered family died when they were back from MISURATA(western libya) ,they made a horrible accident in which they were all killed,last friday mum told me that the pics of that accident will be viewed in libyan friday program (Sabah ALKHER AWAL JAMAHYRYA),BUT UNFORTIONATLEY they were not able to view it because another disaster happened last thursday when 4 young guys died too in another horrible road accident in their way to TUNISIA in ZULTON......what a real disaster,,,by the way i didn't discuss the small accidents in our cites which as i think kills at least 7 weekly ,,,,,,so what a real disaster .........aren't they all LIBYANS , isn't any one of them someone imporatant enogh for the authorites to make an urgent action....DON'T U ALL THINK THAT THE TIME IS UP TO START A NEW PAGE WITH THE LEAST ROAD ACCIDENT S................I THINK IT'S MORE THAN ENOUGH BUT WHAT'S THE ACTION THAT'S WHAT I DON'T KNOW REALLLY
SINCE 3 or 4 weeks ago i was listening to BENGHAZI RADIO CHANNEL(FM98.9) when a roar mangment engineer called the program who said that he can mange all roads in benghazi & can made no more rash & least accidents by road mangement .........but....what no one listened to him even that he said that he'll do all that for free just for Benghazi ......but who cares about you sad Benghazi.......
see this report by WHO........
Mortality rate from road traffic accident injuries in Africa is the highest in the world, costing the Region $7.3 billion or 1% of its Gross Domestic Product annually, the World Health Organization says in a report released Monday in Johannesburg.
"The most affected groups of people are pedestrians, passengers and cyclists," states the report. It attributes the high rate of road accidents to factors such as inadequate road design; excessive alcohol consumption; speeding, under-utilization of seat belts and child restraints; unsafe vehicular design; poor maintenance of vehicles and roads; insufficient training of vehicle users, and a lack of implementation of road safety guides.
The report, which examines injury prevention and control in the Region, identifies conflicts and interpersonal violence as other leading causes of mortality and disability related to injuries.
The report says: "In the year 2000, in the African Region alone, an estimated 725,000 people died as a result of injuries, accounting for 7% of all deaths in Africa and 15% of worldwide injury-related deaths." About 116,000 of these deaths were due to due to interpersonal violence, 27,000 were due to suicide or "self-directed violence", and 167,000 due to collective violence, with almost half of these deaths occurring among young males in the economically active age range of 15 to 44 years.
"While much can be achieved by grassroots organizations, individuals and institutions, the success of public health efforts ultimately depends on political commitment. This is as vital at the national level where policy, legislative and overall funding decisions are made as it is at the provincial, district and municipal levels where responsibility of day-to-day administration of policies and programmes rests," the report concludes.
This report, prepared by the Brazzaville-based WHO Regional Office for Africa, is to be discussed by Health Ministers from 46 countries in the WHO African Region meeting for their 53rd Regional Committee session from 1 to 5 September in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
MY FRIENDS .............MY LIFE....

SALAM EVERY ONE ....IT'S ALONG TIME SINCE I BLOGGED THE LAST TIME ...really i was falling in exams & milloins of sheets........but since today the holiday started......but never think that it's playing time more playing it's 3rd year .....any way
.......i know it's lover's day 2day ......yeah i'm n love .....but the proplem is that i've more than more lover .......yeah i've as you think alll........i've wonderful friends whome i love very much....& as i think they do the same 4 me ........any way for me they mean alot ,,,,,,,,,even if i don't see them daily but their picture & voice is always in my mind

.......thanks alot Alllah for those wonderful friends who are really like my oxygen which i can't live the way even if they didn't read this article ...i'm so happy that i found alot to love in the lovers day....& of course every day ....i'm n love
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