Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i dont have to be like you

 i WISH  u all a happy MAILOOD .............
I wanna to talk about something that's what really makes me nervous...........................humanity yeah it's ........................i must do something but i can't change people they are the way they are , but how can i if i were i  patient trust them while they are talking with me like that dealing with me like so , i'm a human i can say NO for NO & Yes when YES , this is my right............ but me as a smart DR ( I wish i can be one of those smart drs)  I can change your mind simply & easily but if you dont it's your right & i've to appreciate your right but still i've to do my job ....................................for sure alot of PPL  did understand these situations , i hate when drs exchange benifits with patients you let me do teaching i'll do your operation unless i'll put you for a far date operation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it's not a FISH MARKET

 ...............ok your a dr but you're not the end of the world ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,how you are asking why patients dont trust drs while your doing this staff you are playing with fire , & you are losing their trust.......................................really as a student don't blame me if i do it you are my teaher & i've to follow you  what do you think ????  we wont do it we'll be better than you we will break all that fences you are building with patients &i'll be the patient then i'll know how to convence him with attending teaching part ..........but still he'll decide ........................................i'm sorry i'm really not talking about all our lovely teacher who really we wish we can be like them one day but about those who're making the bad impression about Libyan DRS .............................................


dusk till dawn said...

salm Sis

happy malood to u too. u still in the start of the road, a lot to learn, and make ur mind up.teachers are vary from one another,but the botom line is to work hard.wish u all the best, and live and learn

Hayam said...

كل ميلود وانتي بخير

بالنسبة للدكاترة سوري بس صعب الثقة فيهم خصوصي هني فليبيا ..وليا تجربة مريرة مع هالموضوع ..منظار بدون بنج..ومغورني لين شبع فالاخير قالي ايه هو والله المفروض المرضى كلهم يندارلهم بنج..لكي ان تتخيلي شعوري كيف وقتها.. بس الحمد لله عدت بسلام

llibyaphotographer said...

يشبه دكتور عوض