Wednesday, September 29, 2010
i wish u all the best ...............
my best friend whome iknew since i was in the preparatory school days , whome we shared all the best time , we passed exams ,traveled , played . laughed , cried.............. all together ...........ah that i got nice brothers like you ,whome icould depend on thanks for being my side all the time ..........i'm really proud of you & i wish u allthe best in your higherdegreestudy like we used to know you & i'm sure we'll do luck
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Benghazi Medical Center after one year
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Janat our v first baby ..........
it was really a great experince we passed last tuesday it was a cisserian section , & it's our first surgery , in fact we were afraid at first but all fears broke down as the lovely baby Janat came to life her first shout was just like a a new song of life 7amdolelah
Saturday, September 11, 2010
منقول عن والدتي .................لتكن الطريق صدقة ....
هذه كانت فكرةوالدتي ليلةالبارحة لدى عودتنا من الطريق المتهالكة والتي سببت فالكثيرمن المآسي ، ولتي افتقدت لابسط وسائل الامان وليس الراحة فقط ..........ناهيك عن الكثير .........ولكن كانت اخطر ما افتقدته هو انارة الطرق و خصوصا الجبلية الوعرة و الكثير من المنعطفات الخطيرة والتي اودت بحياةالكثيرين من من قادو ليلا..............اوليس ديننا الاسلامي دعانا لاماطة الاذى عن الطريق فكيف باصلاحه فلنقرأ بعض من هذه الاحاديث الشريفة
فعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “مر رجل بغصن شجرة على ظهر الطريق فقال: والله لأنحين هذا عن المسلمين لا يؤذيهم فأدخل الجنة”، (رواه مسلم) وعن أبي برزة رضي الله عنه قال، قلت يا نبي الله علمني شيئاً أنتفع به قال “اعزل الأذى عن طريق المسلمين” (رواه مسلم) وأيضاً عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه، أن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) قال: “بينما رجل يمشي بطريق وجد غصن شوك على الطريق، فأخره فشكر الله له، فغفر له” (رواه البخاري ومسلم والترمذي والموطأ).
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: (الإيمان بضع وسبعون شعبة أو بضع وستون شعبة، فأفضلها قول لا إله إلا الله، وأدناها إماطة الأذى عن الطريق والحياء شعبة من الإيمان) (رواه البخاري).
وهي من الصدقات، وبسببها أدخل رجل الجنة، ففي حديث أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله: (كل سلامى من الناس عليه صدقة... ثم قال: وتميط الأذى عن الطريق صدقة) (رواه البخاري ومسلم).
وعن أبي داود: قال رسول الله: (نزع رجل لم يعمل خيراً قط غصن شوك عن الطريق، إما كان في شجرة فقطعه وألقاه، وإما كان موضوعاً فأماطه، فشكر الله له بها فأدخله الجنة
لماذا لا نتكفل نحن و نفتح باب هذه الصدقة بعيدا عن من غرتهم الدنيا ونسوا أمر الطريق ولم يهمهم مصير من يستعملون هذه الطرق ............؟؟؟ هي بفكرة فهل من مستمع
Policeman.............if he died you killed him ........Call 119................
as we went to our visit to eastern Libya , the time was amazing but it ended with a bad action that i really hated...........a nice group of police men are making (kapsa) that's what we call it , in a bad round in Shahat(more than200 km eastern Benghazi) .............we shocked as a great ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT was in front of us , we went down i tried to see the man Al7amdolelah that he was consious & breathing well but with some , wounds which bleed prefously , i wished i can say please call 119, But sure i knew no one will come at least for one hour ,,,,,,,,,,,,, who's the responible , i know the KAPSA men , but who'll pay the man who's injured , or the other guys who were in their way to their Eid journy & they lost their new car ........................i'm not talking about money ............& i'm not talking about the mad KPSA men ,,,,,,,,,,,i want one thing active 24/24 hr 119, till this service is active , wedont want cars , ............why we have matches but we don't have any sticks to burn..................................
ya rab ,,,,,,,,,,,,,really i felt that i can do nothing as we said we're doctors & we check his ABC............i wished the next step to see the ambulance not the patient lying in the passenger's cars ....................
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
bazeen is tasteless without you...........
you know as every ramdan my dad friends are coming , they are coming tomoroow , grandy i tided the room i couldnt come to your angle ................i know you need the 3dala for making your lovely libyan tea that we all love...........grandy i'm waiting for you to come before fotoor and you ask us for any drink ...........grandy i miss your hand when you grap mine , i miss your hug that i thoghth it may broke my ribs , grand you'll ask me about mr saad i'll go tomorrow to almarkaz &i'll ask about him ,.......................i was there yesterday i was in the hospital where we last met , grandy i learned how to put a nasogastric tube which was painful to you , but i did it easily to cause no pain to people as you learned me ................grandy i'm writing in english as i know how you were happy the first day i talked with you in English ................yes granndy i'll nearly be a doctor .....................but i wished you were see me , i know you saw me once with the white coat but now i've a stethscope too ................grandy can you belivethat i miss your ciggeretes ..........yeah they were the only mark that i can know wether you are happy or not by the no you know ............Grandy you learned me how to eat bazeen properly even ifit's soo hot but really i can't taste it without you as it was your lovely dish .................granndy i went tomisurata your lovely home & i saw the people you love really i loved it too bcuz it brings me your smell................................i love you alot & we are really nothing withou you
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه واجعل مثواه مع الصالحين في جنات النعيم انه كان من عبادك الصالحين
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه واجعل مثواه مع الصالحين في جنات النعيم انه كان من عبادك الصالحين
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