
i'm not talking abut that broken hearts by love...because that hearts can find another love which can fix or can forget what has broken tham .....or any way can be fixed ......i'm talking about the cancer patients broken hearts..& AIDS patients ...& all that difficult diseases really here in libya evry day we used 2 hear"do u know FLAN...he got cancer....or he died of cancer...." reallly i think u get my point
but is ther any one who supports those .... really no real support they just see the sorry look at others eyes...really those ppl with cancer pass with a very diffcult situations that we can't understand ...so really they r fighters but what we can all do 4 them...
What do u think of making a libyan organization that gives support 2 cancer patients who really need this ....it's not my only role but it's out all rol u all know ppl with cancer ,,,,so....i knew that it's a good way 2 make those patients communicate with each other ...i knew 2 that that can help them alot.... so......
it's our all job can u support me ....i don't need money or a place... this support can be done at hospital while those patients waiting or at time when they need...so what do u think can it be a good project...but hw can i start
excellent post weda thank u
i'll be back
salam Weda
as usual you come up with good posts.
even living here in the UK I do now and then hear about people in Libya suffering from cancer.
here in Britain there are many organisations offering support to cancer victims and their families, they are well organised and have many volunteers, for something like that to work in Libya, you need commitment and you need public donations to help a group like this go on and cover their costs for print outs, outings for cancer victims and so on....
check these websites, they are some of the biggest cancer support here, you might find useful information:
good luck and Allah with you
Hi weda, u've talked about an important subject, i agree with u those ppl need support 2 feel much better, and they are still alive... I wish we could do sm thing to push them up, but how??? I think by making a group consists of all members who r able 2 do that job, and help each other 2 offer support 2 those ppl, wt do u think? So any1 who is able doing that share...
Really nice of you weda to decide to talk about this... u remind me of couple of patients i saw last week>>>one of them was HIV patient and the other was suffering from hepatitis i felt so bad for them...those ppl plus those with cancer really need help..i wish there was some organizations like those Anglo talked about..
may allah be with them
hello friends thanx r u commenting ...but we r in can u who r here in libya make one organization that can work in benghaz & tripoli at first...it's our job...tel me
thanx alot mr anglo 4 the websites
سلام رويده
أوكي أنا لمة كنت بالادرن كنت أنا وصاحباتي نعمل شغلة مميزة كل عيد فطر واضحى استمرنا بعملها سنتين تقريبا
ما بعرف لو فيكي تعمليها بليبيا بس سدقيني بما اني انا عملتها بالاردن فاكيد فيكي تعمليها بليبيا وبالاول والاخير هي نوع من انواع المشاركة الاجتماعية والنفسية الي فيكي تساعدي فيها اي شخص وانا جربتها فعليا مع مرضى السرطان ولاجئين المخيم الفقراء
اول شي بلشت بشهر رمضان بجمع التبرعات من كل الناس قرايبي وصاحباتي ونزلت اعلان بالجامعة وبالسكن وصاحباتي كمان عملو اعلانات ومعي كمان بعتت لاهلي معت منهم تبرعات
المهم بالنسبة لمرض السرطان رحت عمستشفى الامل للسرطان باخر يوم من رمضان واخدت عدد المرضى الي حيضلو بالمستشفى يوم العيد وما فيهم يطلعو يعيدو مع اهلهم
وليلة العيد رحنا اشترينا العاب لكل طفل حسب جنسو وعمرو وحلويات وكعك العيد بكميات كبيرة
وتاني يوم العيد رحنا للمستشفى واستقبلنا احد الموظفين واخدنا جولة للمرضي بغرفهم بالنسبة لكبار السن وكمان للاطفال جمعهم بغرفة الالعاب ورحنا اعدنا معهم ولعبنا وقضينا يوم كامل معهم
ممكن هالشي يكون شي بسيط بنظر الاغلبية بس بالواقع هاي كانت خطوة عظيمة بالنسبة للمرض هدول وكمان لاهلهم
لانو ما كانو متخيلين انو في ناس بيوم مهم ويوم عيد اتفرغ نفسها وتيجي اتعيد مع ناس محتاجه اكتر للعيد من اي حد تاني
وكمان الاطفال كتييييييييير انبسطو لانو كان كتير صعب يغادرو المستشفى ليقضو العيد مع اهلهم فاحنا قررنا ناخد العيد لعندهم وانفرحهم
هاد بالنسبة لمرضى السرطان وفي كتير افكار واشياء تانية ممكن تعمليها ولو بدك بنحكي وبساعدك بافكار وكمان ماديا لو عملتي شي مشروع انا بدي انضم معك
خصوصا انو هلا جاي مناسبات كتير منها رمضان والعيد ويريت نقدر انحسس هالناس بهيك ايام حلوة لانو هم المرض هاد بينسي الانسان كل شي
وتحياتي الك وبستنى منك رد
As usual ya weda u concentrate on vital issues ... I reading about staticts from TMC & result is d area 4rm garahboli tll musrata had cancer by 35% !! Oh god wht 's ths % !! Wish do somthin 2 those ppl at least support them ... Salam
شكرا اختى الكريمة على هذه الوقفة
لاجل المصابين بمرض السرطان ان شاء الله يشفيهم
كل منا له دور بصراحة في ليبيا بصراحة عملي كمهندس زراعي يجعلني انصح اخواننا الفلاحين والمشرفين على زراعة لاكي يتوقفواعن رش المبيدات التى لها دور في زيادة نسبة الاورام في بلادنا
والحث على قيام بزراعات عضوية خالية من كيماويات لاجل مستقبل افضل والوقاية خير من العلاج
One of the female Libyan blogger whose blog does not exist anymore visited a hospital few months ago regarding Aids patients. I would recommend you meet the blogger and contact the doctor who was mentioned in the blog. Those two ladies will help you a lot.
I work (not a doctor) in a university hospital in Portland which has 14000 employees, the area I work deals with kids, I see kids with cancer on a daily basis, the children hospital is packed with volunteers, there is a Starbucks in the lobby, every year the Portland Starbucks coffee shops they have a yearly drive usually in XMAS to collect toys for our children hospital, the hospital gets a lot of toys through the year to a point that they have to give the surplus to charities which deals with kids and abused wives.
No country can never flourish with out the charity & volunteer work of its own people.
We can not ignore our patients with Aids, they are still human no matter what kind of life style they led or got the disease from contaminated blood transfer, unfortunately some Libyan doctors are running away from treating these patients when they are assigned to Aid Clinics.
Bee Gees - How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (live, 1997)
You really amazing Dr.,that is let me feel the doctors in Libya have humane senses and about the solution u know firstly and finally it is there in the government hand.
Best regardS
Well,,bless you for such wonderful ideas
the problem is that we need a lot of governmental support for such movemnents
people and officials must realize the vital importance of this movements..
any way
the good well is first step,,,
you have all our support
best regards
see u soon
احييك على هكدا موضوع......... من المهم ان نحس بمن تناسهم المجتمع فقط لانهم اخطأوا او كانوا ضحايا لاخطاء الاخرين ............
really ytthanx alot 4 ur lovely comments..i'll try as i can 2 make it true....thanx alot 4 ur support...
hey ruwida..u've talked about a very sensitive subject here.. Allah bless you for your strong will and compation..
wish there are more ppl like u gurl.. WE REALLY NEED TO MAKE A CHANGE OVER HERE!!
I'd love to help in any way..
take care
see ya around
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