THE LAST Days i was busy as all Libyans in fact i love these days & try to go out on foot with my mum to the old city trying to see if we forgot something every one was buying spices , kitchen goods, food , in fact every thing even children games i don't know why ???????? but this is the what i feel it i love the sense of spices & ROUYNA, ZOMITA , in the mixers it really gives difference as i feel it , but i lost alot i lost my grands who were the great flavor for RAMADAN, I can't forget that days when i were young as i sat beside my grandy & he was a traditional Libyan old man raby yrhama , he hates talking alot before magryp & i was young & talkative ........u know what happens , i can remember how he learned me to eat BAZEEN as it was too hot to touch , i miss him alot i miss the first day in Ramadan with him, i miss his hand as he grasps over mines, i miss his american English accent ,i miss his jokes & talks , i miss his marbo3a which i hate now, i can't forget you grandy for a moment every thing inside me is for you ....i can't find another who can take your place it's really empty......my Allah bless him & all Muslims too
Ramadan Kareem
شهرك مبارك
كل سنه وانتى بصحه وعافيه
السلام عليكم
كل سنة وانت طيبة لكن ماتقولليش لاش العاب الصغار توه ولا توتى فيهم للعيد ؟؟؟
ربنا يتمم علينا رمضان برحمة ومغفرة وعتق من النار
كل عام والجميع بالخير والصحة ويتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال خالصة لوجهه الكريم ويبلغنا رمضان ويجعلنا من مقبولي العمل وعتقاء الرحمن اللهم آمين إنك سميع قريب مجيب للدعاء
hi sis .Ramadan Kareem, inshallah allah will give us happiness ,and mercy. its hard when u lost the love once in this holy month,and not beside u any more just pray for him ,have fun for shopping b4 aftar around the fish market ha ha,u might find ready made spices , have bazeen for sahour
السلام عليكم ...
مبارك عليكم الشهر ...
بارك الله فيكم وتقبل منا ومنكم الصوم و القيام
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